The growth of your company also depends on mastering your digital strategy.

Who are your personas? How can you reach them ? How can you optimize your lead pipeline ? How can you convince them ?

NowBrains supports you in all of these areas.

Acquisition Strategy

This involves understanding the interaction with your target audience and their buying journey to identify the right strategies for capturing their interest. Our support helps identify the most suitable approaches in line with your target audience to meet the company’s objectives.

strategie acquisition

Client case study

Engineering Training

Workforce : 20 employees
Localisation : Nantes


Lack of internal expertise, no results tracking, and a desire to accelerate acquisition.

Support / Deployed Solution

Audit, analysis, and recommendations for the acquisition strategy to be implemented.

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Inbound Marketing

The objective is to attract internet users to your brand by offering relevant content. Inbound marketing requires establishing a content strategy (based on personas) to attract the right visitors and nurture them with automation logic to convert them into customers.

inbound marketing

Client case study

IT Sector for SMEs

Workforce : 100 employees
Localisation : Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux


Diversify B2B lead acquisition channels.

Support / Deployed Solution

Audit, analysis, and recommendations for the acquisition strategy to be implemented.

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Marketing Persona

Analyzing, understanding, and translating the profiles of your target audience to tailor your marketing actions and build a strategy and messaging around these personas to enhance your effectiveness.

personae marketing

Client case study

CSE Software

Workforce : 20 employees
Localisation : Paris


Reposition the brand’s messaging and work on website content.

Support / Deployed Solution

Workshops to define personas and the creation of Landing Pages for the two primary personas with different key arguments for each persona.

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Conversion Funnel

Analyzes your website data, bounce rate, conversion rate, exit rates, to optimize the user journey for greater efficiency. The goal is to offer a simpler, shorter purchase funnel to increase your conversion rate. The logic of Landing Pages is also part of this consideration to boost your conversion rate.

tunnel transformation

Client case study

Software for the Industrial Sector

Workforce : Less than 10 employees
Localisation : Southeast, Southwest of France, with headquarters in Île-de-France


Increase the conversion rate of demo/contact requests on the website.

Support / Deployed Solution

Creation of 2 Landing Pages (one for each persona).

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Sales Strategy

Strategic market analysis and target identification for improved sales performance.

stratégie commerciale

Client case study


Workforce : 50 employees
ocalisation : Lyon area


Implement cross-channel lead generation strategies and measure ROI.

Support / Deployed Solution

Analysis of key competitor websites, identification of top-priority targets, and the development of strategies based on the psychological profiles of buyer personas.

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